"Hangar Talk" description

Greg Bockelman

New member
In the past, the description for "Hangar Talk" allowed for discussions on "any topic you like, aviation related or otherwise." It also said that "Politics and religion and any other topic likely to become highly charged should be posted in The Spin Zone".

The wording in the description has been changed such that any political, religious, and similar subjects must now be discussed in The Spin Zone. Any threads of that nature, or threads that end up being primarily of that nature will be moved to The Spin Zone at the discretion of the Management Council.

Thank you for making note of this change.

Greg Bockelman
Management Council
Pilots of America
jesse said:
Really folks nothing had changed, we just didn't like the wording previously, aviation related political threads are still permitted. Continue as you always did.
Wouldn't it be simpler just to change the policy to: "We reserve the right to arbitrarily move or remove any and all threads and posts."?
FlyNE said:
Before: "Politics and religion and any other topic likely to become highly charged should be posted in The Spin Zone."

After: "Politics and religion and any other topic likely to become highly charged must be posted in The Spin Zone."

(emphasis mine)

Some thought that the ambiguity left some things in question. It's just been clarified. Nothing has changed.
And all this time I would have pegged the phrase "likely to become" as the part in greatest need of clairvoyance clarification.
FlyNE said:
Or it's just a clarification like everyone involved in the change has publicly stated.
If they had wanted to clarify things they must coul wou might should have written the note this way:

NOTE: Courtesy cars, politics, and religion and any other ex post facto highly charged topic must be posted in The Twilight Zone. To gain access to the Twilight Zone, click your heels and go here:
