Happy Pi Day

Ken Ibold

New member
After being served pot pie for dinner and having key lime pie for dessert, it finally dawned on me that today is Pi Day!

(And I even have a son whose initials are P.I. You wouldn't think I'd need a reminder.)
Becky said:
:yawn: My husband just finished a book called Pi in the Sky, about math. I secretly think that instead, perhaps he should be reading books like ... oh, "How to Maker Better Landings," or something like that.

But no, he is now reading "Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals," by Richard Feynman and Albert R. Hibbs. Egad!

I should search for a "geeky pilots" thread to see if this is normal and safe ...
I have that Feynman text on my bookshelf - right next to "Relativistic Quantum Mechanics" by James D. Bjorken and Sidney D. Drell. It is only useful when on final to land at speeds approaching light and only in very small airplanes.

To improve his landings he should be reading "Gravitation" by Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, and John Archibald Wheeler. Tossing a copy in back will help keep the nose up on landing.