Height Disadvantage


New member
I am a few hours away from my first solo...one of the biggest challenges I am dealing with is seeing out of the cockpit (over the coweling) and being able to fully use the rudder pedals...I am 5'6". Combinations of seat adjustments and cushions make it manageable, sort of, but not ideal. Also, I find myself so close to the firewall that it is difficult to pull very far back on the yoke...I am in a 1973 172.
Kirbhund said:
Thanks! The height adjustments on the seat don't quite cut it, the pedal extenders sound promising...do they make them specifically for the rudder pedals? Finding a firm cushion is difficult, the ones they sell for this purpose are not at all firm and lose their thickness pretty quickly..
Here's one place that has rudder pedal extensions for Cessnas (you get an idea of the expense):

Diana said:
An update on Alan's visibility issues...he ended up switching to a Cherokee, and passed his checkride yesterday. Congratulations, Alan!!! 👍
Congratulations to him!

(These threads that rise from the dead aren't always easy to to spot, unless one is careful about examining posting dates.)