Hey Oregon, a little help?


New member
Hey POAers! I have a very exciting job interview next week in North Bend, OR. I'll be flying into PDX, and was hoping I could hitch a ride, borrow a plane, or offer up some free instruction down to North Bend. I'd imagine I'd just be there for a couple hours for the interview, and then turn around and come back. So driving would be a real pain! I'd sure appreciate it!
Hey POAers! I have a very exciting job interview next week in North Bend, OR. I'll be flying into PDX, and was hoping I could hitch a ride, borrow a plane, or offer up some free instruction down to North Bend. I'd imagine I'd just be there for a couple hours for the interview, and then turn around and come back. So driving would be a real pain! I'd sure appreciate it!
Can't help; but weather here has been MVFR or IFR most days it seems and next week looks only marginally better, weather-wise. (I've only flown into North Bend once during training.) Hope the interview goes well for you!