High Density Altitude take offs


New member
I'm opening this up for discussion, as its been bugging me. Hopefully a good civil discussion where we can all think about what we are doing and learn something.
I was recently at a fly in where density altitude is a factor. as well as mountainous terrain. I saw many pilots taking off using flaps. So I opened up discussion with a couple pilots standing around. Why would you use flaps on take off in this conditions? I would guess DA at about 9000 ft at the time. So what would be your performance limits? Simply engine power. Adding flaps creates lift, but lift creates drag and you need power to overcome that drag, and you don't have excess power. The runway is long here, 5000 ft I think. But suffice to say it's much longer than you need. No 50 ft " obstacle. No runway clutter, its clear and dry, good quality pavement. Lets say your average normally asperated SEL airplane.
So would you choose to use flaps for take off, or, use the available runway to make a no flaps take off? Hopefully I described the scenario accurately. Now open for discussion, please be civil.
murphey said:
“…In fact the performance charts only go to 5000 ft on my 1969 model. Hence I’m illegal just sitting in the hangar.
Perhaps meant partly tongue in cheek and I apologize for a bit of thread drift, but I was discussing this with someone the other day here in AZ.

Is there actually any regulation prohibiting extrapolating responsibly, like using a Koch chart, beyond the boundaries of the performance tables?

Clearly as PIC one must do so safely; however, I haven’t seen anything suggesting it is actually contrary to regulation.
Another datapoint occurs to me. It turns out that glider polars, which basically represent the lift / drag ratio for a ship, do not depend on DA. So that suggests also that the DA should not affect the choice discussed here.
Oldmanb777 said:
Lift over drag maybe the same, but you are not power limited in a sailplane, you already have the energy you need to fly. You are not trying to leave a runway with enough performance to climb away from the ground.
Agreed that the power is reduced by the DA, though I also think you want best L/D for that climb and whatever configuration produces it.