Hire Me! Careers for "Older" Pilots


New member
OK, so I'm 60. But I'm nowhere near TBO...a darn good pilot who flies frequently and is approaching 600 hours, mostly complex. I'll put my piloting and mental skills up there with other good pilots.

For those of us "over the hill but don't count us out" types who can afford to take a low salary, are there ANY options? A few come to mind...

* Buy a nice plane and do sight-seeing tours (need IFR, commercial)

* Fly for an airline like Surfair, who has been willing to hire older pilots (http://www.surfair.com/); 800 hours minimum

* Be a CFI

What else? Will anyone else hire us...??? Regional jet? Charters? Corporate?

I'm prepared to hear "no" but thought I'd ask.