Holy Traffic Jam Batman!

I was there. As noted about 500 planes total on the field, perhaps 400 leaving that day. It took from 11 until about 4 for them all to take off. Yes that was the line and there were actually two lines to start with. Most people were pushing their planes down the line eventually to save fuel - including a Citation jet!

Departures were not particularly well scheduled or coordinated.

The FBO is a nice bunch of folks but they simply weren't prepared for this crowd in any way. For example, there was only one vendor serving espresso drinks.

People in the planes did better than those who drove. The highways and the road in front of the FBO was basically at a standstill until 5:30. About 100,000 people were in Madras, which is normally a town of 7800.
Palmpilot said:
My guess is that was a row of parked planes, not planes waiting for takeoff.
Actually that was the line. People were pushing by hand and so the tail-draggers were pushed tailwheel first to be more controllable.
Passenger said:
Who flies the 4 engine ?
That was actually one of a number of partly disassembled planes at the north end of the field. If you look carefully at that picture you can see the two inner engines are without props.