How have I never been suspected of drug smuggling?


This case is interesting...they suspected the plane was drug smuggling because the flight made frequent stops for fuel, frequent altitude and course changes, and at one point turned off its transponder for a whole THREE MINUTES (gasp!). This pretty much describes every flight I've ever made.
Further, they make mention of "airport informants" reporting the pilot locking the cabin door after exiting (I do this nearly every time I exit my plane). And now I wonder, who the heck are these "airport informants"???
tawood said:
Yes. Although I don't like using the term "war" on our own citizens.
Do you suppose the fact you are involved in enforcing these laws might have something to do with the fact that you've not been accused of drug smuggling (returning to to the OP)?

And that others might be more likely to be victims of such false accusations or outright violent attempts at enforcement actions?
It would be interesting to see some actual numbers on likelihood of LE being caught. I have heard from a fairly reliable source that the CIA teaches its trainees that all DEA agents should be assumed to be corrupt.
paflyer said:
Bloody hilarious, but you're lucky said State Dupa didn't find you later on a darkened road, blow your brains out -claiming he feared for his life- and put his drop-piece in your hand after firing a shot from it.
Sadly many people have this type of fear now. Police-state lite.