How long between flights are you still safe?

John Baker

New member
This year I haven't been getting much time in the air at all, probably about once a month, if that. The few times I have flown, I have not had any problems at all, other than one or two student grade landings.

I flew with my instructor after a particularly long break, a couple of months, and it was like I had flown a few days earlier. He said it is a lot like riding a bike.

So if that is true, what is, or what do you think is, too long of a break between flights, to fly by yourself?

How long have you gone without flying, then climbed into your cockpit and thought, I really should not be doing this by myself?

Or put another way, how long of a break can you take from flying before you are not a safe pilot?

What is the longest you have gone?
