How much to lean the mixture?


New member
I was wondering imagine if I was to takeoff from Boulder, CO in a C172. The airport elevation is 5,300 MSL. How much would you lean the mixture for takeoff? I train in the very flat midwest and the highest airport elevation around here is 1000ft MSL so I never have to lean the mixture on takeoff.
What about landing, rather than taking off, at high altitude airports?

Going full rich would yield less power if you have to do a go-around. I haven't flown that much to higher airports, but in a C-152 and a C-172 during my GUMPS check I've set the mixture near full rich and did a quick lean till loss of RPM; then in enough to max RPM at that throttle setting. The problem is that it isn't full throttle, so I'm not sure if the procedure is doing me any good should I need to do a go-around.