How To Add Air Conditioning To Your Plane For Less Than 100 Bucks

Saw this in a hangar today.

They got the cooler for free.

The fans were bought for less than $20 each and are both battery operated. The batteries, as you can see, were simply moved to the top.

Car fronts (5.25" speakers) grills were used to cover the fan blades.

PVC parts for directional control of airflow.

A part from a bicycle pump and a switch for "high" and "low" plugged in that limits the amount of current going to the fans.

And you get this:


Just add ice and go!
On reading the title of this thread I thought maybe somebody had finally figured out a way to power a Hilsch vortex tube from the pressure rise behind a propellor so that cooling air could be directed into the cockpit.

The Hilsch vortex tube is a passive device that is so mechanically simple that there are no moving parts that can break (excepting whatever creates the pressurized air):