How to answer Life Insurance Question


New member
My life insurance policy is desiring "a statement that I only intend to land on improved non-remote landing sites". I live in Alaska. I wish to answer in such a way as to not jeopardize my policy or the price thereof, and yet I am going to land on these sites. Any suggestions?
Welcome to PoA.

If they don't define "remote" (remote from what point?) or "improved" then you can weasel it I suppose. As you word it, it also seems to ask for a statement of current intent about future actions, not a contractually binding promise on your future actions.

The bigger question is - why are you purchasing life insurance at all?

Keep in mind that when it comes time for the payout it wont be you having to litigate the insurance company for non-payment because you violated a contractual obligation. You may end up paying in for years, but when you're dead and gone your family may not see the benefit.