I almost had a parachute in my prop, near miss

bahama flier

New member
In Deland, a big skydive business is on my Airport. I commend the owners for building a big business, but they are a big pain in the ***.

I was trying to hook up the proper vac lines for an air speed indicator, and did not hook them up right. I had departed for a quick check, and saw the indicator had failed, so I circled to land.

It was very windy, and no airspeed indicator, so I landed fast to avoid any chance of a stall.

Alongside the runway I was using is the landing area for skydiver beginners. I had landed and was doing a long roll out because of my landing speed. I was approaching the end of the runway when some jumpers had landed and the wind had caught their chutes and was dragging them across my runway.

I was almost on top of two chutes, the jumpers were looking at me horrified like the end was in sight. I looked at them and had the same conclusion.

I don't know where there were more skid marks on the runway or in my shorts, both had plenty. We all cleared and we all were shaken up but lived for another day.
Sac Arrow said:
I've never understood the logic behind putting an LZ right next to active runways.
My understanding is that they want to reduce turnaround time between jumps so that they can get more jumps in per day. Other issue is probably liability - not easy finding a property owner willing to allow landing of sky divers.