I feel really behind...


New member
I feel like I'm really behind as far as knowledge. Like in another thread here, someone was talking about flight following, and different kinds of airspace, and I have next to zero practical knowledge of these things. Or on other flying forums when people are talking about all things like clearances and a whole bunch of crazy stuff I don't get.

Note: I am still a student pilot. Is this knowledge just something can comes with experience, or do I need to buckle down and start studying harder?
Note: I am still a student pilot. Is this knowledge just something can comes with experience, or do I need to buckle down and start studying harder?
Buckle down and study harder. If you need book recommendations, just ask and many here will be glad to give some.
gcd89 said:
didn't think I could take it yet
You don't need a student certificate, a medical, or have any logged hours at all to take the written test. I studied for it, and took it, before I had even contacted a flight instructor. However, one does need a sign-off from an instructor or a computer program to take the test. An instructor and a computer program have a lot in common when it comes to checking whether a student is ready to take the written. :wink2: So I bought the Gleim student kit that included the appropriate software, and used that to get my authorization. Then went and took the written. I got one question wrong, which is worse than getting a lot of them wrong: Oh so close!