I hate modern hiring practices of some companies


New member
I have been unemployed for just a touch over 2 months now and have filled out many online applications for various jobs that I reasonably thought I could get that don't require tons of training or special education.

I am a part-time CFI and cannot live on it nor can I move for a better CFI job due to family issues.

About 45 minutes ago I got done applying to Time Warner Cable for a Field Technician position. I was a cable installer for another company in 2008-2009 so I thought I would have no issues getting hired. I spent over an hour and probably 30 mins or so doing the online application and their assessment tests. 15 mins or so after I was done I got an email saying they were not going to consider me any further and there were others more qualified. It also said it was an automated email. At 1930 hours, I am quite sure no human even looked at my app.

Rewind about a month and a half ago. I applied to the post office for a mindless sorter operator job that was even seasonal. After three or so hours of assessments, I was informed via automated email that I was not qualified and could not retake the tests for 6 months.

Every time there is some type of assessment I do not qualify and am not told why. These "tests" always say they have no right or wrong answers generally. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but each and every time I apply and get rejected this way, I feel even more devalued as a human being.

My Veteran status and Bachelor's degree don't matter either. I have a degree in Aviation Management and jobs I should be able to get into want 3-5 years of experience. I have found lately that nearly half of the entry level jobs I see in any job title want 6 months to a year of experience. So even entry-level is not entry-level.

It looks like all I can get is fast food or a crap warehouse job for the rest of my life. I was working at Fedex Express as a courier and lost my job there for stupid reasons that were my fault. I was just starting to feel some sense of security and moved out of my Mom's house and bought a new motorcycle this past summer. I guess I will be punished for this for the rest of my life. I cannot wait to checkout at the end. Even oblivion has to be better than how people treat each other in this country. I am 43 so I have a long time to suffer yet.

No this is not a suicide note, just FYI. I just need to rant some.

I cannot afford to rent my apartment after January and I will be exhausting my savings soon as I did not qualify for unemployment. I will have no choice but to move back in with my Mom for the 3rd time and quit paying certain bills and trash my credit.

Most of the last 8 years since I have been out of the Navy have been miserable going from one job to the next and going to college and flying for a living. The 2008 economy was when I got my CFI and it kept me from making it work by nearly bankrupting me.

Those of you that are well off should be thankful. There is a crowd of old pilots that I see occasionally at the airport where I teach that are so full of themselves, prejudiced and financially well-off that they take their lives for granted and ***** about everything going on in the world and that they are the solution to all the country's problems. They talk about flying their airplanes but let them sit while I have to get people to pay me to fly so that I can do so.

So far, it looks like Social Security, if it is there for me when I turn 67, will be plenty of money for me to live on based on today's dollars. But I have to suffer till then.

Done ranting now.

Places that use online assessment programs are the places that get so many applicants that they can afford to set the passing criteria very high. Almost certainly a waste of time even for the people who could pass that initial hurdle.

I agree with cowman - go check out the small places. The ones that literally have to hang a "Help Wanted" sign in their window.

Do what you have to do. No shame in any of it so long as you stay honest and moral.