I passed out a year ago during an extremely stressful semester- disqualified from flying?

Faint of Heart

New member
Just graduated from an Ivy League college (so when I say extremely stressful...). Thinking about doing the whole ATP thing. But last year, I had a single episode of vasovagal syncope, went to the ER, had a halter monitor on, etc, with no diagnosis or particular cause. It was put down to stress because I was in my last year of college and I had a thesis defense the next day. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before and hasn’t happened since. Wondering if it’s even worth it to do an admissions flight if I’m going to be disqualified from flying anyway.
Half Fast said:
It's stressful to learn to fly, to learn to land, etc.
I found that to be the case in landing gliders. You only get one chance at it and the energy you have to achieve that once is in the pattern is the maximum amount you will have.