I tried, I really tried.


New member
Went today for my first solo with my fresh HP/Complex endorsement. Weather was marginal VFR due to the smoke. Picked a direction to get out of the smoke. Thought to myself, I haven't used the iPad in a while, I'll give it another shot, the Bonanza interior is bigger and this thing might just work in here. Yoke mount? Nope no where to put it. Kneeboard? Nope still in the way, tossed it into the empty PAX seat. I made the decision aim low and use it as an AFD replacement. I loaded up all the airports, re-famalirized myself with the buttonology, tossed it in the PAX seat and fired up. Alternator was showing a discharge so i went and grabbed my A&P problem was a loose ground stud on the alternator, snugged that up. Total down time, approx 30 minutes, fired back up and away I went. Reached over to grab the iPad... A big yellow triangle saying something about needing to cool down. Meanwhile, the POS (or so I'm told) $150 AV8OR was chugging along and became my primary source for radio frequencies etc.. while the iPad was busy having a heat stroke... I tried... again... I give up... again. You can tell me I'm using it wrong by leaving it in the seat for half an hour and I'll tell you the AV8OR is doing it right by not making me worry about it, and it was 1/10th of the investment.

On a side note, I stopped at the local watering hole after the flight, and struck up a conversation with a couple, the lady was a rep for honeywell in Seattle in town for the weekend visiting family, She says that the idea isn't to liquidate the AV8OR and shut off support for it, but to find the right price point that it will sell, she says they plan on supporting it for the foreseeable future and are still pushing it as a product. Makes a little sense in that the base model has risen from $150 to $200 but I'm still suspicious.
.. while the iPad was busy having a heat stroke... I tried... again... I give up... again.
What you and your iPad needed was a nice refreshing glass of:



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