I turned down a Cessna 140 for $500


New member
Okay, my friend needed another engine for a Cub project and found a 140 that had been hand propped without being tied, got away and ran into a field/tree/something years ago. He is buying it for the engine but asked if I wanted the fuselage/wings/etc for $500 - but that it would need considerable work (and maybe even more than we put into the restore of the 1938 Cub). At 6' 270lbs my son and I would barely fit in right now, let alone after he grows a little. To me, way to much time/effort/money for a very small plane and I would have to find a hanger to rent to wrench on her to boot.

Anyway, just thought I would share. Would've been cool to be able to say "I'm fixing up and old plane"....but I would probably still be repeating that mantra many years from now. :yikes:
If there are any other small kids around, $500 seems a small investment for a back-yard toy they could have sat in it and made airplane noises in and pretend flying places.