Ignorant Homebuyer & Airplane Noise


New member
I am still steaming over an encounter with an ignorant doctor this past evening. I was riding my bike home from work, at Freeway Airport. New houses are being built on short final for rwy 18. Nice expensive homes without yards. A McMansion type of deal. I was wearing a Freeway Aviation shirt with the runway and an image of a plane flaring on the back. A gentleman was handing out flyers and basically blocked the bike trail to hand one to me. He introduced himself as xxxxx Cartenson, neurologist. I read it. I dismounted and couldn't believe this bullsh*t. It was a petition and reasons why Freeway needs to be closed.
#1 dangerous aircraft
#2 noise
#3 Rich people playing with their loud toys
#4 Unsafe (he had that twice)
#5, #5 is interesting. He had an argument stolen from stopthenoise.org

We deal with the unnecessary noise that is a direct consequence of unnecessary recreational flying. We believe that such activities force you to subsidize the hobby of some anonymous pilot by giving up your property, your privacy, your peace and your quiet so that a wealthy few may zoom about in their noisy little airplanes.
It is not our intent to shut down General Aviation. It is our intent to make General Aviation responsible to the public interest. We see the public interest as something other than the profitability of aviation and the enjoyment of a few barnstormers. We see the public interest as something other than a recreation industry that knowingly ruins the homes and lives of non-participants. We see the public interest as the re-empowerment of American property owners to be able to enjoy the peace, comfort and privacy of their hard-earned homes without the endless intrusions of aerial dirt-bikers.
We have no issues with high altitude transports. We certainly support activities such as Life Flight Air Ambulances, Angel Flight, Search and Rescue and other emergency services. We may tolerate general aviation craft engaged in legitimate point-to-point navigation. What we won't tolerate are aerobatics, Sunday flyers, leaf peepers, and flight schools using our airspace as recreational sites or as industrial training areas for their personal profit and amusement at the expense of the private property owners and residents below.
This kind of noise doesn't "just happen". It is, without question, man-made. Therefore, someone is responsible. That responsible someone can be made to cease and desist.

I made sure that he didn't see the logo on my shirt and asked him some questions.

Q How are they dangerous?

A They're small planes that fly low

Q Rich guys? Those planes cost like 40,000 used, seen them on ebay.
A Those are experimental ones, the ones flying here cost millions.

Q How long have you had to listen to this noise?
A I just bought my house here six months ago. They began building it in July and finished two months ago. It's the white one over there.

Q Whoa is that a Maserati?
A Yes sir! My wife wouldn't let me have a Ferrari so we split the difference

Q Awesome, so when you were planning the house you didn't see any planes?
A We did and the realtor mentioned that there is an airport down the road but these planes shouldn't fly over our property.

Q Are they breaking the law?
A Not yet but it is annoying and noisy. I tried getting the police to do something but the officer said that it's the same as a motorcycle driving by.

Q Have you gone to the airport? Maybe learned about aviation?
A No, those idiots are company I will not associate with.

Q So you're rich, just bought a nice 620k house, have a BMW and a Maserati, bought a house knowing that those small planes fly about 400ft above you everyday 8am-8pm in summer and you're upset over the noise?

A No they make noise and fly over my property. I own everything upward of my land line.

Q But you do make a good amount of money and bought a house knowing there was an airport within walking distance?
A Well yes but like I said, we shouldn't have to deal with the planes.

Q So those rich guys have million dollar planes and putt around for fun?
A Exactly!

Q You do realize how much Freeway Airport is worth, what jobs it creates, the training it offers, and the amazing amount of good done by it?
A Why are you for it? It needs to go, this isn't 1980.

My reply: I am a student pilot, aircraft mechanic's apprentice, aviation advocate, and an aspiring airline pilot.

His reply: Well join the Air Force son,learn to fly there. You don't f*cking deserve to endanger me and my family. You have no right to. I didn't know they let coloreds fly those, how are you even paying? (THIS ****ED ME OFF EVEN MORE) I didn't know they even taught people how to fly there. I'm going to include that, that's even more dangerous. They probably let women fly since you guys can. :mad:

I got back on my bike and rode away. I don't want to deal with that crap from an ignorant and idiotic person that KNOWINGLY buys a house not even a mile from an airport! Racial and sexist remarks, hell no.

One day he will meet someone that he rubs the wrong way. Doesn't matter what race. Still though, HOW DO YOU BUY A HOUSE .65 MILES FROM AN ACTIVE GA AIRPORT AND COMPLAIN!?!?! :dunno:

* On a related note a family friend's husband recently refused to fly on Delta and is trying to get everyone he knows to boycott it. He had a 757 flight at KBWI and when the crew greeted him he saw the flight crew. The crew consisted of an African American Male Capt and a Caucasian Female FO. He remarked that a "n****r monkey and a woman" aren't going to fly his plane. He's a professor in business at a local community college. Go figure...teaches diversity in the workplace courses. 🤣
roncachamp said:
No Tuskegee airman achieved ace status.
There appears to be some dispute about that; and in fact it wasn't hard to run into competing claims. For example, the case for Lee Archer:


The case for Roger Sauvage (non-American) where this page lists him as the only WWII black ace:
http://www.century-of-flight.net/Aviation history/WW2/aces/aces_intro.htm