I'm Out


New member
So now another mod on this forum has crossed the line and sided with a poster that feels its okay to insinuate I'm a drunk. Add this to the fact that admin of this forum decided its okay to out my personal info (my real name) and I've decide this forum isn't for me.

I had fun, id like to stay, but the people who run this place do not subscribe to what I consider ethical behavior.

Had fun, I'll miss some of you, peace out.
So now another mod on this forum has crossed the line and sided with a poster that feels its okay to insinuate I'm a drunk.
That would be unacceptable, however it would be helpful if you could indicate the post(s) or thread where this occurred.
JoseCuervo said:
There is no contract.

POA does not contain the elements required to create a contract with the user.

People threaten to sue people on forums all the time.

And they never do.
It's an article regarding UK cases, and I believe the law there tends to favor the plaintiff more than in the US, but I'm sure US cases exhibits similar growth: "Libel cases prompted by social media posts rise 300% in a year":
