Impossible Turn Tested at Altitude


New member
So yesterday I got a chance to fly.
After reading the impossible turn thread, I decided to try it.

4200 feet aligned with 17
Wind was direct down the runway around 8 kts

1/2 flaps, slow to ~Vr, full throttle, pitch to Vy

4500 feet, cut the throttle (alt. didn't matter just needed a starting reference)

I inserted a 3 to 4 second delay to simulate confusion

First instinct was to pitch to best glide 86 kts but that didn't feel right. I was going down to fast. I didn't want that much nose down pitch so I flattened up a bit to around 70 kts while banking to the left

by 600 foot loss I had gone about 135 degrees and was in the vicinity of the airfield where I could have made an off field landing

a little over 800 feet gone and I hit the 180

So I am essentially down wind, I need to turn left to get back to the runway and then turn tight to be lined up with it again.

I lost nearly 1500 feet total to do that.

I bet I can practice it more and change pitches, banks, and flap settings and get that to a lower number but as I sit here I have essentially given myself a ~1800 AGL min for the full turn or ~1000 to turn back to the general area of the field if it has a lot of surrounding flat areas.

I am going to do this more and see what I can consistently get.
I would have expected the number to be a lot lower.
Maybe it will be after some practice.

If you have tried this, what were your results?
1/2 flaps, slow to ~Vr, full throttle, pitch to Vy

4500 feet, cut the throttle (alt. didn't matter just needed a starting reference)

I inserted a 3 to 4 second delay to simulate confusion

First instinct was to pitch to best glide 86 kts but that didn't feel right. I was going down to fast. I didn't want that much nose down pitch so I flattened up a bit to around 70 kts while banking to the left
What kind of plane?
What was Vy?
Also, after you cut the throttle, at any time did you push forward on the yoke or stick, or did you let the airplane nose down on its own?