Ipad Apps for Sectional Charts


New member
OK, I am new to the Apple Ipad world.
I understand the Foreflight is the App to have. But I am not convinced that for the kind of flying I do that it is really worth the annual subscription. The Annual Subscription is worth about 8 hours of flight time in my glider.

I only do two or three cross countries a year in power and my glider already has a smaller moving map display (LK8000) and I would be concerned about reading the Ipad in the direct sunlight of my glider cockpit anyway.

At this point I can still download sectional charts for free, and I can even print them full size at no cost. So I am looking for just a simple inexpensive viewer where I can view the charts on my Ipad. I can reformat the maps to most any format, just need a good way load them onto the Ipad and view them. the "Large Viewer" looks like it might be a possibility. Anyone familiar with it?

I don't as of yet have a GPS available on the Ipad so the Geo referencing is a non issue. If I decide I have to have it a bluetooth GPS looked like a good option.

What other apps might work good for this?

brcase said:
I will look into this, this sounds like what I am looking for.

I'll second skychartspro. Simple but effective replacement for paper charts. Even has the option for displaying the charts track-up when using A GPS. Something WingX, which I also have, doesn't do (wish it did). Don't have Foreflight so can't comment.
I'll second skychartspro. Simple but effective replacement for paper charts. Even has the option for displaying the charts track-up when using A GPS. Something WingX, which I also have, doesn't do (wish it did). Don't have Foreflight so can't comment.
Since writing the above, WingX has added track-up and a bunch of other stuff that is quite useful. So unless you are really budget-bound, I'm afraid I can no longer give skychartspro as high a recommendation. Between the two, go with WingX. It is worth the money.

Also - while I have seen comparisons between WingX and Foreflight wherein the reviewers claim the latter is allegedly more intuitive, I find operating WingX very reasonable and natural. (I also must regrettably say that in the 39 years I've been around computers I no longer believe in the concept of "intuitive interface." Easy to learn and use I can believe in and strive for.)

On a recent trip it was nice to see WingX actually show the estimated time we would arrive at the destination and then actually arrive within minutes of that time. Placing the cross-hairs over any place on the map and getting the time-of-travel and distance to that location was very nice and handy.
Mafoo said:
Did the OP change his post, because none of the responses so far have anything to do with this request?
Actually his request was answered - see post 17 of this thread.