iPad Frustration


New member
So, I really want to be able to use my ipad productively in the cockpit, but terrible sunlight readability makes this an absolute no-go at this point. If the sun is coming in the front/side windows at all, the reflection off of my shirt, face, sunglasses completely washes out the screen.

I've tried yoke mount, suction cup mount, kneeboard, just holding it...I'm beyond frustrated! Anyone have any suggestions? I'm typically in a 172.
You can also try wearing polarized sunglasses and viewing the iPad in landscape (long edge horizontal) mode rather that portrait (long edge vertical) mode. Or vice-versa, depending on the glasses.

The display output of the iPad is polarized (easily discovered if you wear polarized sunglasses and orient the wrong way - the display all but vanishes.)

I often wear polarized sun glasses (Maui Jims) when flying in sunlight and I have always had to orient my iPad in landscape mode. I also keep the display brightness high, and don't recall running into glare problems in a C-152 anytime recently. I believe the theory is that most of the glare should become mostly polarized at right angles to the display polarization in most situations of interest, but haven't really checked the circumstance where that is true.
Pappy said:
I was actually thinking about blacking out the cabin windows and installing a periscope.
Block out the front window with a fuel tank - at least you get more range that way.


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