Is your airplane kept in a hangar?

Jim Logajan

Staff member
Do you keep your airplane (or airplanes) in a hangar? What does it cost? If not hangared, what do you do to protect it?

My local situation:
Hangar space is scarce at KRAP (Rapid City). Last fall I was quoted $330/month for an airplane like a C-150 in an FBO's hangar. A shared hangar was (and may still be) available at 49B (Sturgis) for $160/month. One way commute time to KRAP is ~25 minutes while ~50 minutes to 49B.
I'm new at a nearby Class C (Flint Bishop KFNT). $200 a month for a large, insulated, T-hangar. The small T-hangars rent for $166 a month (no insulation), the biggest hangars rent for $225 a month (only a foot or two bigger than mine in each direction). To get these prices, you have to pay once a year (instead of month-to-month) to get a 10% discount. I was at a smaller class G (Dupont - Lapeer D95) for many years up until recently...the smaller airport became a victim of local government politics and unfortunately the renters suffered. I was paying $170 a month for a T-hangar there, uninsulated (actually open on top to the other T-hangars). The advantage for D98 was that it was only 15 minutes from my house, while KFNT is now 40 minutes. BUT, how often do you drive to the airport? I go maybe once every two weeks or so...not enough to worry about the longer drive. I also get MUCH better services at the class C: better approaches (ILS, VOR, RNAV), 2 paved runways instead of 1, on site FD, better security, etc.
Paying about $650 a month at an airport just south of Seattle. Twin-sized hangar (got my old pickup in it as well as a ton of airplane tools and supplies) just seven minutes from my house.

Current wait for a hangar at my airport is five years.

In 2006, when T hangars at KBED went from $505/month to $610/month, I bailed and went back to a tie-down. Unheated hangar. Electric bifold door.
In 2006, when T hangars at KBED went from $505/month to $610/month, I bailed and went back to a tie-down. Unheated hangar. Electric bifold door.
No airplane cover while at a tie-down?
My main concern is hail. Thunderstorms can form in the Black Hills and head east within a matter of hours. Even when clear weather has been forecast.
T-Storms are one of the big risks here in AZ of our on the ramp. Though nothing like what I have seen in Rapid City.

When my Cardinal was out on the ramp for several years I just had sun reflectors, cowl plugs, pitot tube cover, and control locks. Was glad to get it under a covered tie-down eventually though.

For a club the closer hanger sounds nice, even if pricier. It can also serve as a social gathering place.

I guess if you have snow and frost the cover is likely more important if outside.
No airplane cover while at a tie-down?
My main concern is hail. Thunderstorms can form in the Black Hills and head east within a matter of hours. Even when clear weather has been forecast.

ah, yes... I used a cabin cover to try to protect the interior from the sun. Wouldn't do diddly for hail, but in the Boston Mass area there isn't much hail. I haven't seen hail big enough to cause damage in my 60+ years here.
ah, yes... I used a cabin cover to try to protect the interior from the sun. Wouldn't do diddly for hail, but in the Boston Mass area there isn't much hail. I haven't seen hail big enough to cause damage in my 60+ years here.
For something like a C-150 I see Bruce's Custom Covers has padded wing covers to handle small to moderate hail size, but not larger hail:
So that's a possible option.