Juvenile MIP Record


New member
Minor in possession of alcohol. Handled by the juvenile court system. Age 17.. happend 18 years ago.

My question revolves around 18v on the medical. How is "administrative actions" defined?

No motor vehicle records exist of this incident and in the state of Oregon, juvenile adjudication is not a conviction. However a court ordered treatment program was required

Any tips on how to accurately answer this question?
This question does pop up from time to time. The FAA takes a very broad view of its ability to investigate any legal incident at any time in your life.

I don’t imagine that this will be an issue given the length of time if there have been no other alcohol related incidents, but it is likely best to get the opinion of a HIMS AME first before having an actual AME exam.

See http://faamed.info for more information on this and related issues like how to do an AME consult.

As to the legal necessity of answering “yes” due to this incident when there was no formal conviction, particularly as a juvenile. This has been discussed here extensively in the past and it appears this precise issue has never been fully adjudicated by a court of law. The conservative thing to do is likely report it if it won’t cause problems, because do you really want to have your medical be the legal test case?

ETA: but if you want to become the legal test case, I can recommend some attorneys and possible funding.