Landing on a highway out West


New member
Ever since before I learned to fly, I loved the idea of landing on a deserted highway and taxiing into a classic old American diner for a bite to eat.

Is there anywhere I could do this, or something approximating it, without being arrested?

I have a CPL/IR with 2k hours and have flown in and out of small, weird bush strips and others throughout the US, Europe, and Africa, so I am confident I won't ball it up.
chartbundle said:
Apparently it's fairly common out at Fields Station, Oregon.
Yup. Also Mann Lake Road [EDIT: OK - no diner there so technically doesn't meet the criteria - bring a picnic basket]:

Fields Station:

State Statutes Pertaining to Landing on Roads in Western States
(Part 1 of 2)Out of curiosity and some self-interest, I have done some web research on this subject. The following is what I found (ordered roughly north-south, west-east zig-zag using my definition of western state.) Use at your own risk. I have provided links that I found most relevant and quoted as much material as possible to establish sufficient context without, I hope, over-quoting. Failure on my part to find a state law does not mean one does not exist. Nor does the finding of relevant laws mean they are the only applicable law. County and municipal laws were not searched.

AlaskaNothing relevant found on the net or in:

or (slightly easier to search and to browse to relevant sections):

WashingtonNothing relevant found on the net or in:

OregonOregon has a FAQ on “Where can I land in Oregon”:

“We get frequent questions about landing on the beach. The long stretches of smooth sand are inviting. However, landing on the beach, except in an emergency, is specifically prohibited by ORS 836.510. The coastal police departments are very aware of this and enforce it vigorously. Also, ORS 837.090 prohibits landings on public highways and other public grounds without the permission of the authorities in charge. Seaplanes can generally operate on bodies of water where motor boats are allowed. Once they are on the water they are considered to be boats, but land planes have no such privilege.

The key to landing anywhere not designated as a public-use airport, is to obtain prior permission, whether it be from the responsible private owner or public agency. No further approval is needed as long as such use is on an occasional, infrequent basis (as determined by the Department of Aviation). Of course, the user assumes all risks and liabilities. If the use is more than occasional, an airport Site Approval from ODA is necessary. “

Most relevant statute:

Except in an emergency, no person shall land aircraft on highways or public parks or other public grounds without permission from the authorities in charge thereof. [Formerly 493.180]

CaliforniaMost relevant statute:

Public Utilities Code - PUC
DIVISION 9. AVIATION [21001 - 24451]

( Division 9 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 151. )
( Heading of Part 1 amended by Stats. 1961, Ch. 2071. )
CHAPTER 3. Regulation of Aeronautics [21401 - 21417]
( Chapter 3 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 151. )
(a) Flight in aircraft over the land and waters of this state is lawful, unless at altitudes below those prescribed by federal authority, or unless conducted so as to be imminently dangerous to persons or property lawfully on the land or water beneath. The landing of an aircraft on the land or waters of another, without his or her consent, is unlawful except in the case of a forced landing or pursuant to Section 21662.1. The owner, lessee, or operator of the aircraft is liable, as provided by law, for damages caused by a forced landing.

(b) The landing, takeoff, or taxiing of an aircraft on a public freeway, highway, road, or street is unlawful except in the following cases:

(1) A forced landing.

(2) A landing during a natural disaster or other public emergency if the landing has received prior approval from the public agency having primary jurisdiction over traffic upon the freeway, highway, road, or street.

(3) When the landing, takeoff, or taxiing has received prior approval from the public agency having primary jurisdiction over traffic upon the freeway, highway, road or street.

The prosecution bears the burden of proving that none of the exceptions apply to the act which is alleged to be unlawful.

(c) The right of flight in aircraft includes the right of safe access to public airports, which includes the right of flight within the zone of approach of any public airport without restriction or hazard. The zone of approach of an airport shall conform to the specifications of Part 77 of the Federal Aviation Regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation.

(Amended by Stats. 1987, Ch. 1215, Sec. 3.)

NevadaMost relevant statute:

NRS 493.050  Lawfulness of flight and landing; liability for forced landing.
1.  Flight of an aircraft over the lands and waters of this state is lawful:
(a) Unless at such a low altitude as to interfere with the then existing use to which the land or water, or the space over the land or water, is put by the owner.
(b) Unless so conducted as to be imminently dangerous to persons or property lawfully on the land or water beneath.
(c) Unless specifically prohibited by the provisions of NRS 493.010 to 493.120, inclusive, or any regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
2.  The landing of an aircraft on the lands or waters of another, without his or her consent, is unlawful, except in the case of a forced landing. For damages caused by a forced landing, the owner, lessee or operator of the aircraft is liable as provided in NRS 493.060.
[4:66:1923; NCL § 278] — (NRS A 1991, 253; 2015, 1777)

IdahoMost relevant statute:


21-204. Lawfulness of flight. Flight in aircraft over the lands and waters of this state is lawful, unless at such a low altitude as to interfere with the then existing use to which the land or water, or the space over the land or water, is put by the owner, or unless so conducted as to be imminently dangerous to persons or property lawfully on the land or water beneath. The landing of an aircraft on the lands or waters of another, without his consent, is unlawful except in the case of a forced landing. For damages caused by a forced landing, however, the owner or lessee of the aircraft and/or the airman shall be liable, as provided in section 21-205.

[(21-204) 1931, ch. 100, sec. 4, p. 178; I.C.A., sec. 21-104.]
State Statutes Pertaining to Landing on Roads in Western States
Part 2 of 2
UtahMost relevant statutes:

72-10-116. Restrictions on use of lands or waters of another.
(a) The landing or taking off of aircraft on or from the lands or waters of another without consent is unlawful, except in the case of a forced landing.
(b) For damages caused by a takeoff or landing, the owner, lessee of the aircraft, operator, or any of them is liable.

(a) A student pilot may not land on any area without the knowledge of the operator, instructor, or school from which the student is flying.
(b) The use of private landing fields must not impose a hazard upon the person or property of others.

72-10-117. Aircraft landing permits -- Eligible aircraft -- Special licenses -- Rules -- Proof of insurance -- Bonds.
(a) The county executive of any county may issue permits authorizing aircraft to land on or take off from designated county roads.
(b) Permits may be issued to aircraft operated:
(i) as air ambulances;
(ii) as pesticide applicators; or
(iii) by or under contract with public utilities and used in connection with inspection, maintenance, installation, operation, construction, or repair of property owned or operated by the public utility.

(2) Permits may also be issued by the county executive to other aircraft under rules made by the division.

(a) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the division shall make rules for issuing a special license to:
(i) an aircraft permitted by a county executive to land on a county road; and
(ii) a pilot permitted to operate an aircraft licensed under this subsection from a county road.
(b) The rules made under this subsection shall include provisions for the safety of the flying and motoring public.

(4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the department shall make rules for the landing and taking off of aircraft to which permits have been issued, which may include annual reports of activities of the aircraft.

(5) Prior to obtaining a permit or license to any aircraft, the applicant shall file with the county executive and the division a certificate of insurance executed by an insurance company or association authorized to transact business in this state upon a form prescribed by the division that there is in full force and effect a policy of insurance covering the aircraft for liability against:
(a) personal injury or death for any one person in an amount of $50,000 or more;
(b) any one accident in an amount of $100,000 or more; and
(c) property damage in an amount of $50,000 or more.

(6) In addition to the insurance required under this section, either the county executive or the division may require the posting of a bond to indemnify the county or division against liability resulting from issuing the permit or license.

ArizonaMost relevant statute:

28-8278. Landing prohibition; liability
A. Landing of aircraft on lands or waters of another without consent of the owner of the lands or waters is unlawful, unless it is a forced landing.
B. The owner or lessee of the aircraft or the aeronaut is liable for damages caused by a forced landing as provided in section 28-8273.

MontanaMost relevant statute:

Part 2. Uniform Principles
Lawfulness Of Flight And Landings

67-1-204. Lawfulness of flight and landings. (1) Flight in aircraft over the lands and waters of this state is lawful, unless it is at such a low altitude as to interfere with the then-existing use to which the land or water or the space over the land or water is put by the owner or unless conducted as to be imminently dangerous to persons or property lawfully on the land or water or in violation of the air commerce regulations that have been or may be promulgated by the department of transportation of the United States.

(2) Aircraft landings and takeoffs from the public waters of this state are lawful if proper safety precautions regarding public waters, as prescribed in 14 CFR, part 91, are taken prior to the landing or takeoff, except as otherwise provided by this section.

(3) Aircraft landings and takeoffs from public roads in this state are lawful if proper safety precautions, as approved by the governing jurisdiction of the roads, are taken prior to the landing or takeoff, except as otherwise provided in this section. However, the local governing jurisdiction may not incur liability as a result of an approval under this subsection.

(4) A person may not operate an aircraft, as pilot of the aircraft, either in the air, on the water, or on the ground, in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of others, including the aircraft being operated and passengers carried in the aircraft.

(5) The willful and malicious use of aircraft in stunting or diving over livestock in a manner calculated to frighten or stampede them is an unlawful use of aircraft, and actual and punitive damages, in addition to the penalties provided by this part, may be recovered in an action for damages caused by the willful and malicious use of the aircraft. As used in this subsection, "livestock" includes ostriches, rheas, and emus.

(6) The landing of an aircraft on the private lands or waters of another without consent is unlawful, except in the case of a forced landing. For damages caused by a forced landing, however, the owner or lessee of the aircraft or the pilot is liable for actual damage caused by the forced landing.

(7) A person may not knowingly operate, attempt to operate, or be in actual physical control of an aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. "Under the influence" means that as a result of taking into the body alcohol, drugs, or any combination of alcohol and drugs, a person's ability to safely operate the aircraft has been diminished to the slightest degree.

(8) A person having information regarding a violation of subsection (7) shall report the information to the department.

History: En. Sec. 7, Ch. 17, L. 1929; re-en. Sec. 2736.7, R.C.M. 1935; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 109, L. 1939; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 16, L. 1949; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 102, L. 1963; R.C.M. 1947, 1-603; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 528, L. 1985; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 542, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 7, Ch. 206, L. 1995.

WyomingMost relevant statute:

10-4-303. Low or dangerous flight; landing on land or water of another.
(a) Flight of aircraft, including unmanned aircraft, over the lands and waters of this state is lawful unless it is:
(i) At such a low altitude as to interfere with the existing use to which the land or water, or the space over the land or water, is put by the owner;
(ii) Conducted as to be imminently dangerous to persons or property lawfully on the land or water; or
(iii) In violation of the air commerce regulations promulgated by the department of transportation of the United States.
(b) The landing of an aircraft, including an unmanned aircraft, on the lands or waters of another, without his consent, is unlawful, except in the case of a forced landing. For damages caused by a forced landing, however, the owner, operator or lessee of the aircraft or the airman shall be liable for actual damage caused by the forced landing.

(c) Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prevent an operator or pilot from operating an aircraft, including an unmanned aircraft, over his own property.

ColoradoNothing relevant found on the net or in:

New MexicoNothing relevant found on the net or in: