Landing Priority: IFR or VFR?


New member
Hi everyone--I'm a Private Pilot now, but I've got a question from my Student Pilot days that I've always been curious about.

So I'm flying solo at my non-towered airport, doing pattern work. Midfield downwind I get a radio call on the CTAF from an IFR airplane flying straight in to land. I see him and it seems to me like I'm going to be landing first. I let him know where I am in my pattern, make radio calls turning to base, turning final. No complaints, everything normal.

I land but am still on the runway when he's on short final so he does a go-around. That all seems correct except that he gets on the CTAF and is not pleased that I landed in front of him and lets everyone know it.

Now, from my perspective, the field is VFR and we're all in this nice little pattern and homeboy can't just do a straight-in and get in everyone's way, but I'm not sure about that. Is it correct? Ideally, shouldn't he join the downwind on a 45 just like everyone else? Or do we all have to defer to landing IFR traffic? Thanks!
Ron Levy said:
Glider vs powered plane is an exception to the basic 91.113(g) rules.
Where is this exception in the regs?

In BTIZ's scenario, the glider could reasonably claim to be in distress, therefore having the right of way. But I'm not sure why the material in the section on converging aircraft would apply since it was presumably made a paragraph distinct from landing aircraft. It could apply in some joint manner I suppose, but the organization of 91.113 seems to me to indicate an intent to carve out several mutually exclusive regulatory scenarios.