Little Rant


New member
Rant On

I'm inbound and descending 15 miles out and announce. I hear traffic at the uncontrolled airport but no clue what runway they are using. At 10 miles I call out to traffic and ask what runway he's using. No reply.

5 miles out I hear him call upwind 26... Great. I know what entry to make and call out intentions. I enter the 45 as he is turning base. I call all my legs out.

I fly my pattern and as I'm on a 1 mile final, numb nuts announces he is now back-taxing 8 and will stay in the pattern. I see him roll past the taxiway turn out and spin a U-turn. Now I'm on a short final and jack wad finally sees me. As I am going around, he finally comes on the radio and say I can hold here if you want to come in. HE's STILL ON THE ACTIVE RUN WAY!!!

I said, "I'll bring it back around and try this again." He taxis off by the gas pumps. I bring it in and he says this to me....

"Sorry, we are a student pilot and had the radio turned down." I said, "well I called for you several times from 15 miles out and heard nothing." Him: "yea, we had the radio down."

I said, "Well at least your not being asked to copy a number down." He laughs.

There were 2 other planes inbound when this was all going down. But the worst part is this guy is a CFI at the field. He knows there is traffic all day long on a Sat, especially today as it was a great day to fly. Not to mention his complete lack of situational awareness and poor demonstration of safety.

I know its an uncontrolled field and he doesn't need to talk to anyone, but this field is active and just an absolute poor demonstration of professionalism.

I speculate that what happened was since we are on unicom and no less than 4 other fields can be heard on the radio at pattern alt., he turned the radio down to talk and instruct since there were a lot of aircraft in the sky today. I say deal with it numb nuts, it's good training.

His see and avoid skills are also rather lacking as I could see him as I passed the numbers and he was on final. I was all lit up just for him as well.

Rant Off
I fly my pattern and as I'm on a 1 mile final, numb nuts announces he is now back-taxing 8 and will stay in the pattern. I see him roll past the taxiway turn out and spin a U-turn. Now I'm on a short final and jack wad finally sees me. As I am going around, he finally comes on the radio and say I can hold here if you want to come in. HE's STILL ON THE ACTIVE RUN WAY!!!
ClimbnSink said:
Damn I hate when people behave legally but not the way I think they should.
The guy on the runway may not have been behaving legally, since he didn't exit the runway at the taxiway turnout and then made no attempt to get off the runway to make way for a landing aircraft:

14 CFR 91.113
(g) Landing. Aircraft, while on final approach to land or while landing, have the right-of-way over other aircraft in flight or operating on the surface, except that they shall not take advantage of this rule to force an aircraft off the runway surface which has already landed and is attempting to make way for an aircraft on final approach
To everyone who thinks the OP is over-reacting, cross-check the first word he used in the thread title.
CTLSi said:
Anyone on a runway OWNS that runway.

The AIM is not regulatory. Radios are not required, hence, using one is also not required.

Unless you have an emergency, like running out of cannot land while the guy is on the runway, no matter how much you think it wrong...
From a regulatory standpoint, rather than a pragmatic standpoint, an aircraft on a runway does not "own" the runway. The right-of-way regulations say:"Aircraft, while on final approach to land or while landing, have the right-of-way over other aircraft in flight or operating on the surface, except that they shall not take advantage of this rule to force an aircraft off the runway surface which has already landed and is attempting to make way for an aircraft on final approach."
The right of way rule does not mention any qualifiers regarding the intentions of the pilot in the aircraft already on the runway - he or she must give way to the aircraft on final approach regardless of what they plan to do next. They don't "own" the runway.
zaitcev said:
If you read it again, you'll notice that 91.113 says the opposite of what you appear to be implying and that it's OP who "shall not take advantage".
The story by OP didn't show him to be taking advantage of his right-of-way; rather, he indicated the guy on the runway knew he was at fault and offered a mea culpa.

I've landed at a bunch of back country airports where you have to back taxi and there is often no way to get off the runway except for one end. In those cases the airplanes landing just have to wait and the planes back-taxiing have no other option. A plane on final can't continue to land and expect that the regs will support him forcing the taxiing guy off the runway into the trees or brush along the side.

The thread seems to have had an interesting result - some posters seem to believe they can take their time on the runway regardless of who else is out there.