OK, I've decided to buy a new Light Sport plane. I want one that Hubby can use for teaching in and that has a range and speed similar to (or better than) my C-172 for under $100,000. Must be grass-field compatible.
Kitfox pedigree from Europe. Besides that and the Pipistrel Alpha trainer I mentioned (which I hadn't noticed before, and looks pretty good actually) there is also the World Aircraft Spirit designed by a designer who deserves more fame: http://www.worldaircraftco.com/spirit/
A CFI cannot use their own ELSA to instruct others. That option expired in January 2010. The CFI could use an SLSA, but the RV-12 is only available as ELSA or EAB. So unfortunatrly the RV-12 can't meet one of the requirements.
Only SLSA (ready to fly from the factory) appear to be open options.