Looking for day trip destinations


New member
My parents are out of town this week, I've been given the green light to do whatever. I got the plane cleaned up today, I'm ready to fly somewhere. I'd preferably like to add a state or 2 to my map, and can spend the night somewhere.

Anyways, I want to fly somewhere cool. 800 miles or less is ideal. (from KHYI)
My parents are out of town this week, I've been given the green light to do whatever. I got the plane cleaned up today, I'm ready to fly somewhere. I'd preferably like to add a state or 2 to my map, and can spend the night somewhere.

Anyways, I want to fly somewhere cool. 800 miles or less is ideal. (from KHYI)
Cheyenne (KCYS) is 756nm from KHYI.
Laramie (LAR) is 788nm.
Both on the edge of your range, but either would add Wyoming to your map.