Lost comm Question


New member
I’m reviewing for my instrument check ride and was going over lost comm procedures which I think I have a solid grasp of. However I haven’t got a good answer for what you would do if your were cleared to land at towered airport and then lost comms. (Assiniboine actual iMac weather conditions) I would fly the published missed and then do all the double checks on radios and circuit breakers; try 121.5, VOR, FSS, etc. Squawk 7600. Assuming I didn’t have comms - where to next after the hold?

My clearance limit was the runway in last communication. No EFC obviously. I could certainly attempt the last approach again but technically there is no clearance for that. I could fly to my alternate (though I’m not required to) - then comes the question of what route to alternate? Your feedback would be welcome.

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