Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 piece found?


New member

"The debris of a wing plane was found this morning on west coast of La Réunion (French Island).

The presence of many shells, investigators confirm that the debris remained a while in the water."

A french pilot analyzed the photo and has a comparison between it and schematics from the plane. Looks pretty convincing.

teejayevans said:
They made 2 turns, a second turn at Panang to the NW
Extending the theory of Denverpilot's friend to account for those turns:

Somehow surviving passengers tried to control the flight of the aircraft with whatever remained of the control systems but circumstances worked against them, so those attempts ultimately failed. (There were 20 staff members of Freescale Semiconductor (the 2004 spinoff of Motorola's semiconductor business) on board who might have been able to give it a shot.)

The first turn back made sense for many possible emergency scenarios. If the aircraft had simply kept flying in a straight line after that, then few could reasonably question the idea that the crew and passengers died or became incapacitated (probably because they would have failed an FAA Third Class medical;)) somewhere on the return flight.