max demonstrated headwind?


New member
Saturday's supposed to be breezy. I was looking over the pipersport documentation and they list a max demonstrated headwind of 24 knots, distinct from the max demonstrated crosswind of 12 knots.

Why would they bother including the headwind number?
Geico266 said:
The stall speed of the Piper Sport is 42 knots. Why would flying it in a 24 knot head wind be a problem? :dunno:

I have never heard of a head wind restriction. :no:

I've flown my RV-12 (very similar to a Piper Sport) in 30 knot head winds. Van's has no restrictions on headwinds.

What am I not seeing here? :dunno:
Maybe the problem is with the stability of the airplane when it makes turns during ground taxi?