Men Portrayed As Morons


Has anyone else noticed this? Every where you turn now men are portrayed as morons, bumbling idiots incapable of making the simplest decision or putting together intellectual speech. Women must come to the rescue in some cases to save the family from the mistakes the men in their lives are about to make, as usual. Really? :rolleyes:

Certainly, men make mistakes, we all do. Some men are better at things then others, got that. But the vast majority of commercials and sitcoms portray men as insensitive Neanderthals.

Why is this? Women do most of the purchasing for the family, got it. Are women really swayed by this type of advertising? Does it make tthem feel superior to buy a product who's advertising portrays men as simpletons?

Why do advertisers pick on men? Because we won't organize and fight back like women. Well, I think we need equality in advertising and we need to start boycotting products who's advertisers think men are morons. We need a national movement to restore men's dignity! :idea:

What say you?