Mid Air 2 fatal

The pilots who died were Thomas Weiss of Roseburg, Oregon and Tyler Adams of Corvallis, Oregon. Some background on both men:

"Weiss had served the past 12 years at the rank of Captain/Paramedic with WDFD. Department officials say he had a passion for flying and had been flying aircraft for more than 34 years. During his off-duty time, he flew a spotter plane for the Douglas Forest Protection Association (DFPA) for the past three fire seasons."


"Tyler Adams and Steve Elder established one of the hardest alpine routes in Oregon over a 14-hour push on March 22."

I note that Tom Weiss, with his son, had been a witness to the mid air fatal last year at Johnson Creek in Idaho:

Tyler, who is better known by his online handle chosstronaut, was in his twenties and only had his pilot license a couple years but managed to pack a lot of flying adventures into that time, producing some interesting videos:
UncleMike said:
One of the pilots who was killed is a close relative of mine. Could you possibly give me some details on the accident in a private email? Thanks so much.
The group where the fly-in was announced and planning discussions occurred was on the https://backcountrypilot.org website (this thread in particular: https://www.backcountrypilot.org/community/forum/latest/high-sierra-fly-in-info-2014-15608), and there is a discussion about the mid air collision that includes some of the witnesses on this thread: https://www.backcountrypilot.org/community/forum/latest/mid-air-at-high-sierra-16075

So that may be a better place to request details.
UncleMike said:
Hi Jim,

Backcountrypilot.org doesn't seem to want to accept my registration. I can't find anywhere on their website where I can contact the administrator and plead my case. Any ideas?
I remember having problems getting registered because their welcome and registration activation emails got caught in my spam filter. Even after seeing them there and recovering them, the first time I tried to activate my account with their link it didn't seem to "take". Something about also needing administrator approval. A day or two later I thought they weren't letting me in but I managed to find a way to have the web site resend a new activation link. The second activation link worked. You might want to try again. I can't remember the steps I took on the second round, though.

Otherwise there appears to be a contact email address mentioned on this page:
Henning said:
Kinda wonder if it may have been a photo meet up gone wrong.
The same thought had crossed my mind. According to at least one public post on backcountrypilot.com, they were probably part of a group of three that had flown from Oregon on the way down, so it's plausible that those two at least may have intended to fly back together part of the way, too. (Though I can't imagine the C-170 slowing down for too long to keep pace with a Savannah.)

For the most part, the flight videos that chosstronaut took were scenery with forward looking cameras. I've only seen a couple instances where he shot videos of other aircraft he flew with:

