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Will a misdemeanor keep you from getting a pilot's license? I really want to learn to fly but I have this black eye in my past. I'm scared to go try and then learn that I can't get it. Very few people in my life know about that part of my past and I don't want everybody to ask me why I all of the sudden lost interest in getting a pilot's license.
Badtimeinmylife said:
So back to the original topic, is there anyway to get a definitive answer from the FAA before applying? Or does it depend on the mood of the person that is making the decision at the time?
This is the current Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners that describes when an examiner must defer or deny an application:


Item 18w beginning on page 39 appears to be where you would report your arrest and conviction. It refers to Item 47 beginning on page 135, which seems to indicate those conditions that would trigger a deferral or denial. You should review it. In my layman's review, I cannot see anything in them that an AME could use to justify either a deferral to the FAA or a denial.

My guess, and it is only a guess, is that absent any other medical condition, you would be granted a medical. While it is possible that the FAA could revoke the medical or otherwise request more information, it seems unlikely. The crime and its most likely underlying causes per se don't seem to have anything to do with safe piloting.