My first flight with a new CFII


My newest 150 owner is a CFII, his aircraft is a C-150 with no radios, but he wished he could get it from OKH to AWO for a cover fitting by Aviation Covers.

I told him I would take it over and park it but he insisted he fly with me.

I'm OK with that, so we depart 07 OKH and find the airspeed indicator is staying at 0, We do a direct to AWO under 1000' over the water, I could see he was not comfortable with that. I had climbed to 1000' and leaned it to shudder, then enriched it to smooth, after about 3 minutes he started to push the mixture in, I prevented him from doing that and continued towards AWO, we entered the pattern at 1000' on the base to 16, reduced throttle to about 1200 RPM and start the glide to landing, I was a little high and started a slip to descend and he panicked, he had never seen that done in a little aircraft before.
After landing and departing the 150 we talked about flying the 150, and found he had never flown one before today, He had never been shown proper leaning procedures, nor had he ever done any no airspeed indicator flying.

I figure I have a few things to show this new 150 owner.because we must take this 150 to VAL Avionics in Salem Or to get a radio/transponder installed and he has never flown NorDo before. (SEA is between here and there)
I'm too lazy to read the previous 237 posts to find out if someone has already asked these questions:

If an airspeed indicator fails and no one ever looks at it, has it really failed?

And what of Schrodinger's famous air speed indicator gedanken experiment? Is it working, failed, or in a superposition of working and failed states? I'd hate to have to compute that partial differential equation during an approach.