My house is haunted by a young boy

1st: I don't believe in this junk.

That being said, a few weeks back, I am working at my home office and I hear my son holler "Ma Ma" from his bedroom. Mom was asleep so I go into his room to see what he wants but he is asleep.

Not unusual for him to talk in his sleep.

A little while later, I hear it again. same result. No big deal.

A few days later I am home on a Tuesday working at my desk in an empty house and I hear a kids voice say "Maaaaauuum" (2 syllables) and I think nothing of it, could be a kid playing outside but for whatever reason I noted that it was 9:25 AM

10 min later I hear "Mommy" again for whatever reason I note 9:35

at 9:45 I hear "Ma Ma"

It's not scary or anything but definitely noticing this sound that sounds a lot like a little kid calling for his mom. I start to listen and try to figure out where it is originating. One time it sounds like it is behind the wall my desk faces and another time, it comes from behind me.

Now this is mid day broad daylight so there is no freak out factor. I sit on this for a day or two then I text Mrs 6PC what I am hearing and she basically says "That's creepy" and we don't discuss it at all.

Earlier this week both kids are asleep we are sitting it our respective computers quietly typing away.

Now I had seriously contemplated hooking up a video camera and playing a creepy kid voice to startle her and capture it but I didn't because while we were sitting there we both hear "my son from his bedroom say 'Ma Ma'"

I said "that was it! Did you hear it?" She says "That was Jack, go see what he wants" I am excited now because I know it wasn't him. I go to his room and he is awake watching a movie. I asked "did you call for Mom?" He says no.

We continue to work in the office and 5-6 more times every 10 minutes on the 5, we hear it. It is so consistant.
hear the sound and the clock changes from 10:35 to 10:36
hear the sound and the clock changes from 10:45 to 10:46
over and over.

I caught it once that evening on a recording

Then yesterday I worked from home and I caught it again. This recording is the original, followed by one with adaptive noise reduction followed by a third edit where I tried to isolate just the voice. There are a lot of artifacts in the audio from heavy editing.

You need to crank this one up and in the 2nd pass around the 7 second mark, you can hear "Ma Ma" followed by what I now assume is the dead kid's dead mom saying "Yes"

The second link was recorded while I was out of the house. It was completely empty and all electronics were turned off except the recorder.

My house is 10 years old. 1 prior owner no squeaky attic vents, no Indian burial ground under it as far as I know.

Again, I don't believe in this stuff but it is certainly very weird.
I haven't heard it today at all but at some point every 10 minutes on the 5's we will start hearing this in the house.

One night it did creep me out a bit as it was happening until about 2 AM.

Anyway, so that's happening.:yikes:
A few days later I am home on a Tuesday working at my desk in an empty house and I hear a kids voice say "Maaaaauuum" (2 syllables) and I think nothing of it, could be a kid playing outside but for whatever reason I noted that it was 9:25 AM

10 min later I hear "Mommy" again for whatever reason I note 9:35

at 9:45 I hear "Ma Ma"
One time it sounds like it is behind the wall my desk faces and another time, it comes from behind me.
Earlier this week both kids are asleep we are sitting it our respective computers quietly typing away.
We continue to work in the office and 5-6 more times every 10 minutes on the 5, we hear it. It is so consistant.
hear the sound and the clock changes from 10:35 to 10:36
hear the sound and the clock changes from 10:45 to 10:46
over and over.

I caught it once that evening on a recording

Then yesterday I worked from home and I caught it again. This recording is the original, followed by one with adaptive noise reduction followed by a third edit where I tried to isolate just the voice. There are a lot of artifacts in the audio from heavy editing.

You need to crank this one up and in the 2nd pass around the 7 second mark, you can hear "Ma Ma" followed by what I now assume is the dead kid's dead mom saying "Yes"

The second link was recorded while I was out of the house. It was completely empty and all electronics were turned off except the recorder.
I don't hear anything remotely human sounding in your recordings - but they definitely sound like they come from something that produces near pure tones or ones with only a few harmonics, which is unlike a human voice. Wish I could feed those recordings into the FFT/spectrum analyzer app on my iPad, but it only works with the microphone input. One of these days I should look for a spectrum analyzer app that processes MP3 files.

Everything you note points to an electronic origin. The 10 minute period is a strong clue indicating that may be the case. That and the fact that you hear it in an office which is bound to have lots of electronic equipment with internal timers triggering various activities at regular schedules. Plus there are other things, like refrigerators with ice makers, clocks, heating and cooling motors, and things that you would not have shut off that could be causing the noise. And if something is starting to fail then it is more likely to start making noises that it didn't before.
SixPapaCharlie said:
House is empty.
9:14 AM heard it behind me low to the right

At 9:24 I am going to sit in the center of the floor and try to get a specific direction from where it is coming.
Shut off the autosave feature on MS Word; it runs every 10 minutes. ;)
SixPapaCharlie said:
Only thing I can't turn off is my primary computer. I use it to work and also record the mystery sound.

Every ten minutes on the ten minute mark, it makes that sound. I suspect I have a hard drive going out.
I would have suggested you check your computer except you claimed you had shut everything off that was electronic when you recorded the sound. The read/write positioning arm on a hard drive is driven by a voice coil and that is likely what is causing the sound. It only activates when something is read or written to the disk of course. Hearing it does not necessarily mean the hard drive is failing. It may mean only that the sectors involved are scattered in a way that the head makes a different noise than it may previously had. Or some software is now running in the background that hadn't run before.
weirdjim said:
Would you mind explaining how that would be possible? Only if you were recording with a bamboo stylus on a wax cylinder with wind-up drive.

Not sure why you are asking me rather than the OP. When he said he shut off all electronic equipment I assumed that meant all equipment that had been running - i.e. that his claim obviously did not include any new equipment inserted into the environment to record sounds. It made no sense to me to leave the one likeliest culprit still running.