My Sport Pilot experiance


New member
I figured I would break down and document my experience so far. I was never big into blogging, so bear with me on this attempt.

A bit of background. I started my training about a month ago. I am training in Northampton, MA using their Gobosh 700s. I have been going about 2-3 times a week (scheduling 3, really getting in 2 most weeks due to weather and other reasons) and just broke my 10 hour mark. I don't have my log book on me right now, so ill probably update the details later.

Things have been going quite well. My instructor seems to be impressed with how quickly I've taken to control of the airplane. I am actually finding the in the air control to be much easier than I expected and picked up most of the maneuvers up fairly quickly. We are currently working on take off and landings.

This is the part where for the first time things are actually seeming difficult and slightly frustrating. Take offs are fairly straight forward. Landings on the other hand just dont seem to want to happen. I think my biggest issue is I really do not want to get down to the ground on approach and am consistently high. I know the landings will come in their own time, but boy they are turning out to be more than I expected. I am noticing improvements each time as well.

On the plus side it sounds like once the instructor is comfortable that I finally have the knack of landing he is ready to solo me. So at least there is a carrot dangling in the distance.

As for other comments. I have to say, the gobosh has been a more comfortable and fun trainer than I expected. I initially expected to do my training in the CTLS, but was recommended that I try the gobosh first as they find that new students tend to master it a bit quicker. After i get my ticket i plan on spending some time in the CTLS and likely will bounce back and forth between the 2, but overall I've enjoyed the time in the gobosh.

My next lesson is this evening and I am sure that I will try to provide feedback and comments about how things are progressing after my lessons.
aanderson81 said:
Mike Kuehlmuss. He's been a great instructor so far. I'd highly recommend him from my experiences so far. Very patient and (at least for me) a good balance between that nagging voice in your ear so that things stick and knowing when to be quiet and see what happens. He seems to really be doing it because he enjoys it and not because he is has to before he moves on to something else.
Mike Kuehlmuss!? I recognize that name (even though I've never met him.)

Is that the same fellow who is in this video:
