N/A Driving across border with bikes


New member
Planning a road trip up to Canada later this summer, and we want to bring our bikes with us. They'll be on the bike rack tied to the car.

They're obviously used bikes. Not even sure when we got them but I could go to the bike shop and see if I can get a receipt from like 10 years ago.

Any issues going back and forth over the border?
BillTIZ said:
I guess I'm confused. They are personal property that you are taking into Canada and returning with them when you leave. Not selling them there, at least to planning to unless you stop at a shop and decode to trade and upgrade.

Should make no difference if you carry them across the border or ride them.

Is there something in the boarder crossing rules I am missing?
I believe he wants to know what you just reported. You never know what sort of odd requirements a country may have with regard to personal property.

AAA has this summary:
