N/A Hired and Fired in 3 hrs N/A


New member
Here's what happened:

So I finally got a job after a long search. The job was at my ideal store,I have always wanted this one to be my first. I got called in for an interview that lasted 10 mins. After talking with the assistant manager and getting the job I did a little orientation. During the orientation I was told to falsify some records when I'm actually doing the job.Like an idiot I said that that isn't correct and its a sure violation of company policy and possibly a law. The manager later took the job offer back. The catch is that I am not sure if I was already hired.

Either way I'm upset. I didn't say what I said to impress the trainer or management. I kinda feel stupid for not going with the flow and blowing the whistle. If I did so that'd come back on management and then back to me. It's not only a moral issue but also saving my own a$$ type of deal I guess. I know for sure that it's a violation of just about any company's policy.

Very upsetting to say the least. How's that for a future employment reference?
bigblockz8 said:
Signed about 6 forms, 95% positive that I was hired. Too excited to read the fine print of the paperwork. Wanted my uniform and first paycheck this friday.

I won't mention it though, just making a joke about how it would look.
You got very lucky finding out sooner rather than later about the kind of people you'd have had to work with.

You did well in sticking with your morals.