NC Airport mower loses to landing plane


New member

A small plane crash-landed right onto a man riding a lawn mower, chopping off his hand.

The airport doesn't have a traffic controller, so there was no one to warn Rufty about the incoming plane.
Yeah, 'cause a control tower would have been able to to yell at the guy mowing the runway.
The Google Earth view of the accident are, based on the two photos from the news article:!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x609de7fc08e4f272

Since the plane is to the east of the wheel that tore off - and is also inverted, I would guess the plane was traveling east at the time of collision. Since it is near the end of runway 8, the collision possibly happened at the end of the landing roll or while taxiing.