Need direction and a dose of sanity to learn to fly


New member
So this is my first post on here...

I am need of direction and some sanity. I'd like to learn to fly, get my own plane and have my own airstrip. Isn't that everyone's dream?

Then actually fly from one of our farms to the other that is 70 miles away. OF course then do recreational flying and going to WSU football games 200 miles away.

I think I can put in a 1600ft strip.

Am I living in la-la land for someone that has only been a passenger?

What plane would be a good machine for this?

Do I learn on it or the instructors plane? At what point can going from my own strip be accomplished?

Any words of sanity and wisdom?
steingar said:
Here is a web site of a guy who bought an abandoned airstrip. Looks like a ton of work, and that's just to get it back into shape, not carve it out of raw earth. Ed Frederick has probably forgotten more about building airstrips than I ever learned, he and h is father resurrected a strip in Sidnaw Michigan. Looks to me like a LOT of work, especially if you have to do it x2. Like I said, by the time you get done doing all that, a chopper might actually be cheaper.
I suspect a Robinson R-44 would be the minimum he would need for the loads and distances he'd want to fly. You could build a lot of runway for ~$250k.