

New member
I have had my private for about 6 months now and have flown plenty of flights with friends and family with no issues. My first couple of flights I got a little nervous because of the increased responsibilities of being the sole PIC. However, those nerves quickly faded and I have been fine ever since. Then, the other day I had planned a trip with a friend to the Outer Banks for the day and I started getting nervous again! It was honestly the strangest thing I have ever experienced. The night before, I was almost as nervous as the night before my checkride. I couldn't sleep and I lost all confidence. I kept playing these scenarios in my head of things that could go wrong and I couldn't shake it. It got to the point where I told my buddy that we were staying local. The weather was perfect by the way:mad2: I was just wondering if any other fairly new private pilots have experienced similar situations. Any advice? Thanks.
Was there anything about planning the flight, such as very uncertain weather, that made it difficult to make a decision or would have required you to do something you had not previously done?

Perhaps there was some aspect of this flight that seemed to you to demand a higher level of piloting performance than past flights.

Did the nervousness eventually dissipate? If so, do you recall if it did so during preflight or later in the airplane?