New to Forum


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum and just want to introduce myself. My name is Steve Drenth. I started flying this past summer and have been loving it. I am lucky enough to have my step-father as my instructor. It has been a great experience spending time with him as he teaches me this skill that I will enjoy for the rest of my life. I live in Southwest Michigan and fly out of Dowagiac, MI. I am training in a Piper Super Cub.

A couple months ago, I flew my first solo! It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. It started out like a normal day of flying. My instructor and I went up and did some flying. I did a few landings and he asked me if I was feeling good. I though he might have thought I was getting motion sickness because the first few times I flew, I did get a little queezy. So I said "Yeah, Im feeling good." He said "Good enough to do it on your own!?":eek: I couldn't believe that today was the day I would be soloing! After a few seconds I said "Yeah I think so!" Then he had me taxi over by the hangar, he got out, and there I was... In the airplane... By MYSELF! It didn't really set in until I got up in the air and thought "There is nobody sitting behind me..." I didn't let myself get too worked up about it and just focused on everything he had taught me. I flew around the pattern and made a nice landing:D Afterwords, I was happy he didn't let me know ahead of time so I didn't have time to get too nervous about it. Also I got it all on video! If you would like to watch, here is the link:

I am very excited for the rest of my training and can't wait until the day I get my pilot certificate. I am enjoying looking though all the information on this site and feel like it will be a great resource during training and after.

Thanks for reading

Flying off of grass is cheating - we can't razz you (or laud you) on how far off center line you were or how far past the numbers you landed!

Just kidding - congrats on the solo and welcome to PoA.