No Joy


New member
Just curious how many pilots use this when ATC calls traffic and you dont see it?

I was on a flight home yesterday and heard it twice from commercial guys when atc called traffic for them. I have always stated "negative contact" or "Looking" but I kind of like the no joy reply and will probably switch since it's quicker and rolls off the tong better. :dunno: and a little more singular. :goofy:
This is all incorrect terminology. When you don't spot the traffic you should say:

"No joy - in fact I'm really depressed that I can't see the traffic. Now we'll probably collide with them and die. Crap crap crap."

When the traffic is finally spotted you should say:

"Whoop YES I see them! Golly gee I'm happy as a pig in the mud! Up yours, random chance death! Up yours, cold cruel universe! Ha ha ha! Things are looking up!"
SixPapaCharlie said:
Sometimes I just go with
"Can you just keep him away from me? I have really ****ty vision and honestly between you, me, and the wall I shouldn't even be up here. Thanks buddy."
ATC: "Six papa charlie, target isn't talking to us. Unknown altitude, but the spot looks to be merging with you. Bummer, man. Suggest you raise shields to maximum, the spots are too close now to suggest a vector. Ready to copy your last words."
SixPapaCharlie said:
I think if the controller's name is "Joy" then they may think you are being defiant.

"Let me know when you have traffic in sight"
"No, Joy"
"well screw you too then"
Shirley you're joking?