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New Students – Choice of Airplane – SportStar (LSA?) versus C-172

My son and I are both beginning our journey into the world of flight! He’s 17. I’m 6’1, 205 and he’s 5’7, 120 lbs.
We met with a nearby school, talked to a couple of instructors, and took our intro flights in a SportStar. The school also has Cesna 172s, which cost about $25 per hour more.

The CSI’s are recommending the SportStar because it’s “more responsive” and cheaper, but I wanted some opinions before we commit. Any issues with learning in a SportStar? I understand that the SportStar is an LSA? Does that matter, good or bad?

We are both taking our Class 3 medical exams with the understanding that we will work toward a private pilot certificate.

Thanks for your thoughts!
The $25/hr difference adds up to a minimum savings of $2000 for the both of you - and no doubt more. The LSA aspect is not a detriment - if anything, a "more responsive" plane may make for better training.