Non-owner insurance for Sport Pilots using drivers license medicals


New member
I have a Private Pilot certificate but my FAA 3rd Class medical expired so I fly under Light Sport rules with my drivers license as a medical.

I currently rent Light Sport Aircraft from FBOs whose insurance permits them to rent to me. But there is an LSA at an FBO whose insurance policy requires pilots to have an FAA medical, even to fly under Light Sport rules.

I have tried to find a non-owner policy that would fully cover that FBO (not just the deductible) as well as me, so the FBO's policy wouldn't be involved at all when I fly the plane. But I haven't been able to find such a policy.

Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?
I currently rent Light Sport Aircraft from FBOs whose insurance permits them to rent to me.
Ask that FBO for the name of their insurer and the policy they purchased, then ...
But there is an LSA at an FBO whose insurance policy requires pilots to have an FAA medical, even to fly under Light Sport rules.
... take that info to the second FBO and suggest they look into switching. Tell them that their current insurance policy makes it impossible for ALL sport pilots operating under a driver license to rent ANY of their planes. If they don't need that extra business (and you are a genuine prospect, at least) then they can save everyone a lot of hassle by advertising that sport pilots need not apply.