Obama's Alaska visit


New member
Looks like Obama is visiting Alaska at a very inconvenient time for local operators and will cause major disruptions. Perhaps it is time to petition the FAA to change their VIP TFR policies? Is there really a need for these burdensome restrictions?

Alaska Dispatch News Article
Zeldman said:
While I do not agree with our current white house resident, I will agree that we need to keep our leaders safe.
frfly172 said:
No matter who the Potus ,they have to be protected.
How many times in the past has the security of the U.S. been compromised when a president has been killed in office?
acrophile said:
A VIP TFR is probably noticed by less than 0.05% of the US population. How is that "obvious and obtrusive"?
320,000,000*.0005 = 150,000.

Versus The One.

Let them eat cake.