Overcoming extreme nervous/irrational fears

Sam Gordon

New member
So I'm just under 10 hours into my PPL, and am having a problem that neither I nor my CFI have ideas on how to solve... I get extremely nervous at take off and landing (landings being the worst).

I've taken off 4-5 times, of which 2 have been "acceptable". I have a hard time staying on the center line (drifting left) and maintaining RH after lift off (again, drifting left).

Landings are absolutely terrible. Out of my 7-10 attempts, I have put two "on the ground" (calling them 'landings' would be a stretch), only one of which I accomplished the rollout. Once I get turned onto final, I have a hard time getting lined up appropriately. I know I'm not lined up, and end up over correcting (first one direction, then the other).

My CFI and I talked about it on the ground after one failed attempt, and I think I just have a fear of messing up so bad, I'm going to "break" the airplane. The CFI says he won't let that happen, and I believe him, but just hit a block the last 200-300 feet. He asked what I've done in the past to get over this kind of fear, but I haven't really faced anything that could truly be dangerous if I screw up (since I learned to drive 35+ years ago).

CFI will take me through a "normal" approach and he makes it look so easy and smooth, so I understand what it SHOULD look like, but can't associate it when I have the controls.

The CFI said he's not ready to give up on me, provided I'm not ready to give up on myself. I'd be lying if I said I haven't had doubts. I've told myself and my wife I'm going to give it another 10 hours and if there's no improvement (I don't expect perfect, I just want to see some improvement/confidence building), I may have to.

I'm debating investing in a flight sim system (with yoke, rudder pedals, and throttle quadrant) simply to build up my confidence, but I don't know if that will help.

My next lesson is with another flight instructor out of town (at Sporty's) so maybe he'll see something to help.

If you've read all of this, it's appreciated. I've debated about posting this, but didn't know who else I could share with who MAY understand what I'm going through.
IK04 said:
Flying low approaches that eventually get slower and lower until the wheels touch (without worrying about where on the runway you end up landing) is a technique that works for some people, but that is up to your instructor to evaluate and determine if it works for you.
I think this can be a useful approach because there is a lot going on quickly in a normal landing.

But fundamentally flying the airplane down into ground effect over the runway and letting it slow slow down will land the airplane.

Also consider practice at altitude, pretending it is the ground, to remove some of the fear of the ground which can crop up.